Over one hundred years ago,a small group of eager staff and students began their academic journey in health care in a small wooden shed located on the grounds of the South African Medical Research Institute. What started out as two fledgling departments has grown into a world-class institution of teaching and learning in one of Africa's leading economic and cultural hubs - Johannesburg.
Today, the Faculty is ranked among the top 100 universities in the world for its clinical and pre-clinical subjects. It has gone on to graduate more than 26 000 heath care professionals, some of whom have gone on to become pioneers in their respective fields both locally and internationally.
A legacy of such excellence deserves to be celebrated and shared. Join us as we host a series of exciting events and activities honouring the men and women who shaped the Faculty into what it is today – a world-class training institute, a leading research hub on the continent, a centre of excellence, and a Faculty in which all stakeholders are proud to be associated with.